Gun of the Month - December 1999
December's Gun of the Month is a factory inscribed Model M like new in the original box with all accessories. The pistol bears the fine hand inscription "->R.H. ALLIS<-" on the left side of the frame behind the serial number. It is believed that Allis was in some way affiliated with the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing company.
Aside from the factory inscription, another feature that makes this pistol extremely unique is the presence of forward facing flush nickel silver grip medallions. When viewing either side of the pistol, the horse on the grip medallion faces the front of the pistol. The earliest pistols produced with these grips had the "WOOD BLUE" label on the upper end flap of the box. These labels were used for a very short period of time until the checkered walnut grips became the standard grips for this model. The pistol was shipped to Harry Stevens (of Stevens Sight fame) at Colt Patent Fire Arms Mfg. Co in 1924. Mr. Stevens was Factory Works Manager at the time of shipment.
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