Private Collection
Colt Pocket Positive Serial Number 157993, .32 Police
caliber with 2" barrel and special order cutoff hammer.
The hammer modification is like that done to John Henry
Fitzgerald or "Fitz" factory modified Colt models as they
are known to both shooters and collectors. On this example,
the trigger guard has not been cut away.
This pistol is identical to the configuration of Colt Pocket
Positive serial number 158029 which was furnished with a
filed off hammer spur and a round butt configuration.
158029 was shipped to Walter Cahn, New York on October 11,
1937 and processed on Colt factory order number 19253.
There were three guns in this shipment.

Colt Pocket Positive serial number 157993 with bobbed
hammer is checkered on the top. |