Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket Hammerless .25 ACP - Standard Grip Types
The four standard variations of Model N standard grips from
left to right: 1) round top stylized "C" black checkered
hard rubber (from serial number 1 to approx. serial number
105,000); 2) square top black checkered hard rubber from
approx. serial number 105,000 to approx. serial number
345,000); 3)
machine checkered walnut with forward-facing flush
medallions on both grips (from approx. serial number 345,000
to 350,000); 4) machine checkered walnut with
forward facing flush medallion on the left grip and left-facing
flush medallion on the right grip (from approx. serial
number 350,000 to 409,900.) Pistols in the 420,001 -
420705 range are encountered with Type II or Type IV
standard grips.

Detail - Model N round top stylized "C" black checkered hard

Front and back of a pair of flush pre-war grip medallions
used on all Colt grips after 1924. These are late
variations of the medallion. The earliest variations were
more detailed. |